
We grow and manage a variety of crops – asparagus, citrus, almonds and wine grapes.
The GrowData program makes tracking costs and reporting to clients very easy, and our staff find the program easy to use.
We use the Packing module to record approximately 270 tonnes of asparagus. The program is invaluable in providing traceability back to each block and grower, as well as accurate pack-out information for clients. To manage this process manually would be extremely time consuming.
The spray diary is farmer friendly – I can use it. The day to day data entry is what makes the diary so efficient. Chemical usage and purchases are in real time, making it easy to know what needs to be ordered. It’s quick and easy to use, instructions for staff are clear, and quality assurance compliance is a breeze.
The support from Brian and the team at Growdata is second to none – every request or query is dealt with promptly. I have no hesitation in recommending the program to anyone involved in running a horticultural property.