Testimonials and a download link are on our Mobile apps page
This is why we are so successful
We understand that before you invest in this type of management software, you need to be sure that it will suit your specific needs and be confident that it is easy to use.
For this reason we offer you a free no obligation online walk through the program so that you can see firsthand just how valuable GrowData will be to you in saving time and money.
You will clearly see what information is captured, how it can be entered and what reports are available.
This way you will get to see how GrowData will fit in with the way your property is set up and the way you run your enterprise.
Mobile Friendly
Because GrowData is Cloud based, you and your staff have the flexibility to log into the program from anywhere on your property or around the world. Any internet connected mobile device can access GrowData which means that you can record a spray record on your phone or iPad while sitting in your tractor waiting for the tank to fill, or your staff can view a spray instruction sheet you prepared for them earlier in the day. They can even sign off on the record when completed if they have the required level of access.
Digital timesheets allow staff to record their daily activities saving office staff the task of having to transfer the data from a paper based system into payroll.
Mobile Harvest App
Tania Chapman, Colignan Producers Company (VIC) Pty Ltd
SERVICE seems to be a word or an action that has fallen off the radar over recent years.
But it is the one thing that commands loyalty and the one thing everyone in business should remember.
I think that is the reason I happily recommend Brian and the team at GrowData. Not only do they give prompt responses to questions or issues, but they also take user suggestions on board – little things that may either improve the program or make it that little bit easier to get a report or enter the data.
Whilst service is a must so too is what the program provides. I actively work the GrowData programs across a multitude of crops- citrus, almonds, asparagus and grapes, both in the field and in the packing house. When I want to know how much a patch of citrus has cost to produce this season – click the report is there, need to know which employee cut a patch of asparagus and the tonnage- click you have it.
We all know a program is only as good as the data you put in it so programs have to be user friendly – I can tell you that GrowData is just that- once you have it set up entering the data is just 1, 2, 3 and of course Brian is there giving you guidance so you get it right the first time.

We’re here to help!
The team at GrowData understand how important it is for you to get answers quickly. That’s why we encourage you to contact us if you have a question. We guarantee to follow up by email or phone so that you can get back to business.
We also conduct online training sessions with you and your staff to help you with setting up and entering data. Our training is unlimited and fully funded within your payment schedule.
Your success is our success.

GrowData has clients who:
- Use Permaculture as their growing methodology with multiple crops and varieties within a relatively small area,
- Single Owner farms with only one crop,
- Contractors who manage any number of Orchards, Vineyards or farms,
- Huge organisations with up to 20,000 hectares under management,and all sizes in-between.
All clients are guided through the initial software setup and provided with training and support as required.
GrowData also understands that staff changes occur and encourages their clients to talk to them about re-training so that the incoming person starts with a clear understanding of how the program works, with the opportunity to have any questions answered and any ‘bad habits’ developed by the departing employee are not passed on.
For the larger organisations, passwords and access levels can be implemented, along with simplifying the process and generation of accurate spray records for extremely large areas. Individual machine tracking.